This was a beautiful living room. It’s giant, with plenty of seating situations and has gorgeous picture windows looking out onto the clients woodland property. But, it was dated. It hadn’t seen new paint in 12+ years and the furniture was super heavy, dark and not doing anything to highlight the beautiful room. It needed updates, big time.
We sourced and implemented a new furniture plan, selected new paint, rearranged clients art to work better within the space, and implemented a new floor plan. The result is an airy, colorful, cozy living room with such a magnificent view out onto the fern heavy property.
Working with us is not a whole house commitment. I can work on one room or your whole house! Thinking about working with a designer? I’d love to hop on a phone call with you to chat about it! Get in touch at
Let me know what you think in the comments below!

Be sure to follow me at @shanaluther and if you're a Pinterest fan, I'm always checking in there too!
Talk soon and drop me a line to chat or say hi!